Marketing is about forming new connections and strengthening business relationships — and custom greeting cards are one of your best ways to do both.
Greeting cards aren’t just for the holidays. Send full-color greeting cards for any special occasion, from customer birthdays to exclusive sales events.
Our product builder lets you customize your greeting cards’ paper stock, fold, and finish. Experience our quality with a Perfect Proof order: a true sample of your product delivered before bulk printing. specializes in high-quality, custom print products, not basic template designs.
Configure your product and our dynamic template generator gives you a blank template with the correct size, bleed, and trim. To try other specifications, simply change your options and generate a new template. The changes will be reflected in the new template.
Download the file, import it to a design program, and start creating. For existing designs, just copy it to the template and adjust as needed.
With Perfect ProofTM, you have total control of your project. No more guesswork. No more anxiety. No more limitations. All specifications - paper, folding, finishes and more - are included, so you know exactly what to expect when you receive your finished product.
Here is a typical turnaround scenario for requesting Perfect ProofTM
The USPS has specific design and mailing requirements for greeting cards. Greeting cards must be mailed in an envelope. The size and aspect ratio of your cards and their envelopes will determine the available postage options. From there, you’ll choose which available rate is the best fit for your campaign and budget. Save time, money and effort by ensuring you know these requirements before you start designing your greeting card mailer. Check out our Direct Mail Piece Design Page for more information about greeting card mail campaigns.
Half Fold: It's not a card without a half fold. Let your message inside stay hidden until the fold is opened.
The folding option that takes your card from flat to folded.
You can add blank envelopes to your greeting card, note card, or invitation orders. Our pricing calculators are specially designed to only give you the available options specific to the greeting card size you choose. In the Blank Envelope section of the calculator, it will show you the available blank envelope size that fits the size of your card. If you’d like custom printed envelopes for your greeting cards, you will need to place a separate order for your envelopes.
These guys are responsive, fast, and high quality! I had an emergency project that had to be shipped to the client next-day and they were able to do it flawlessly. Not only that, there was never a word about how fast this was needed, rush charges, or even a groan. My account rep immediately went into “how can I help” mode and got it done! They are fantastic, I am so grateful to have found BusinessPrinting, they have created a raving fan out of me!
-Jon S.
BusinessPrinting has changed the game! Not only was our print order turned around immediately, but it was done without sacrificing quality! BusinessPrinting has earned a returning customer!
-Jerry L.
BusinessPrinting is a great resource for print, because they have such a wealth of print knowledge backing up their capabilities, and their customer service is second to none. They have the best response rate, and best turnaround time in the business. I will definitely be utilizing their services in the future!
-Shirlin P.
I was fed up with having to constantly design and redesign printed business promotional material. After using your services I should say I was impressed by the excellent quality (both matte and glossy) of card and brochure as well as the quick delivery.
-Antonio L.